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He’s been through so much...
24.03.2020 07:06
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Ah... where to start. Oh yes. Abusive/neglectful parents through his whole life. Did drugs thoughout all of middle school. Finally got off drugs. Got an alcohol addiction in high school, and a year after the addiction, was stuck in an abusive relationship in which he was raped. Got out of the relationship. Stopped drinking. Went to collage. Got into an even worse relationship. Was raped again, this time, had a child. He luckily got to keep the child- loves his child, and raises it. W a t c h e d H i s C h i l d A n d A n E n t i r e T r o o p O f S o l d i e r s G eat R i p p e d A p p a r t I n f r o n t O f H i s V e r r y E y e s. And now has PTSD when it comes to the sound of certain screams, or loud bangs. He honestly only has had Ethan through all of this. So they’re like- best buds- The guy gets flashbacks from fireworks- Because of the squal and the boom- so he goes over to eathan’s, where they don’t do anything for the 4th of july
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