caption this
24.07.2019 01:39
Linkmom found the poop sock
-When you go into your siblings room to ask them kindly to turn off their earrape music
-Me when I see a spider
-When you find that online bully irl
-Babies when they want their milk be like
-Me when people make too many mother jokes
-Me when I see a large un-eathly centipede
-"I'M VERA HUNGRY" game, but it's gun edition
-Memefruit robbing the store for all them Doritos be like:
-Everyone gets mad at FA for not featuring them, but then FA pull out the Ban Gun. lmao
-"Ay y'all, memefruit out here with the homo gun, we gotta go."
-When memefruit gets tired of angrykid's no homo senselessness, and decides to go black ops on him instead.
-Me the next time I see abcdceese irl (We've got beef online)
-Robbers robbing stores be like
-When you ate the last gusher, but forgot your little sibling was eating it. Or that they had a gun ;-;
-FA users when the get criticism be like (except for me, an intellectual, who knows how to properly deal with the different types of criticism.)