13.02.2021 05:49
Link@Pokemongirl can you stop trying to tell me what to draw and what not to draw? I have screenshots of you doing that and I will upload them if you continue to be rude like this. So what if I write a "cuss word" in my drawing? It doesn't involve you does it? I dont need a 6 year old telling me what I can and cant draw. Stop deleting the comments that are calling you out for being a jerk and telling me what to draw and what not to draw. You dont really understand what the meaning behind that drawing is do you? I bet you don't so just stop.

13.02.2021 05:51
LinkShe threatened to leave because of me telling her just to stop telling me what to draw. And on that same anim she gave you a deadline of when she needs 350 likes. Like seriously come on that's so selfish and dumb

13.02.2021 05:51
LinkHere you can read the comments towards the bottom you can see the deleted comments are mine

this is a perfect example of flipanim's community of children, they think they can control what people draw and can't draw, IT ISN'T YOUR ART- and you can't say "omgeeeee this isn't aloud im only 5 pls delete diss ahhhh". And also, if you do this kind of crap, you shouldn't hold contests.
i can't speak too much, cause i'm 12.

i mean i completely fine of what you draw.
no need to be be a idiot
but do u think she shouldn't even be looking at that?

Dude she my followers... and she’s acts like this... wow when u find out your followers aren’t so chill... damn you 😤