- create flipbook animations online!
"Of course I am, but-"
22.02.2020 00:20
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Thrissur is the last name of Dazz and her siblings and their kids and so on. Elizabeth, Dazz's mom, carried some gene or whatever that would go on to all her kids and all their kids aNd so oN. They all have abilities that all have at least a vague connection to green fire. Elizabeth: Could turn water into fire, she rarely used this ability. Evelyn: Unknown- died before it manifested Rebound: Can engulf his body in flame, doesn't harm him but harms anyone else it touches. Salvatore: Any and all wounds (including fatal ones) heal and repair themselves with a blaze of green fire. This is inspired by a phoenix and it's rumored he will never die. Dazz: Can produce fire from a region around her hands. It's hard to do but with enough concentration she can manipulate the flaim into different shapes. The fire does burn her so she has to wear special gloves when using the ability. Tokio (Salvatore's son): He basically has mind control abilities. He can't make someone do something specific,
22.02.2020 00:27
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just what he wants them to do in his subconscious. He can control when he is using the ability. When using the ability his pupils become small flames, they do not hurt anyone. Zaria (Dazz's daughter): Wings made of fire. They don't burn her but burn everyone else. She can fly with said wings. Sam (Dazz's kid): Probably up there with Salvatore's ability. They can create anything out of fire. The more complex or large the harder. They can make guns, swords, suits of armour, etc. The fire doesn't burn them but burns everyone else. Reese (Sam's kid): Fire comes out of her mouth constantly. Because of this she wears a face mask that keeps it contained. It burns everyone else and slightly irritates her throat. Savannah (Sam's daughter): Can transform her body into flame and move around in mid air, while she is flame she can only be damaged by large amounts of water. She can also shrink and grow to a certain size. She burns other people she touches. Elijah (Sam's son): Can shapeshift to appear like people
22.02.2020 00:29
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he's seen. When changing it looks like his normal skin burns off to reveal the new look. The fire doesn't harm anyone. He gets both the appearance and voice of the person along with clothing. That's it for now. Uhm. If you have questions you can ask,,
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