Ren Jin


26.04.2019 23:07

27.04.2019 00:18
LinkThe door >>>>

The REAL "Rin-Jin" is actually getting annoyed off of your ongoing ruckus, please leave and come back when you can man the **** up ;DDD (P.S. go look at the OTHER Ren and tell answer me this, have they drawn anything remotely CLOSE to what they used to? are they animating AT ALL? I'll save you the trouble. They haven't, cause they're not me, ty <3)

Manning up? Are we gonna have a 1 v 1 or something? Anyways, Rin-Jin does animate. I have seen some of their animations. And you do realize that people change over periods of time, correct? If so then you'd know that people who like to draw will draw different things. After all, you are an artist, aren't I correct?

People change to get better my friend, not worse ;)) I left to become a better artist, not to harrrass people and announce hating (N word) ;D I have indeed changed over this time, and I've come to a new understanding of who to **** with and who NOT to **** with, aka you and any other dumbass who comes across continuing an online debate that was never even a 'real' debate.

Then why bother responding to me? You could've just deleted my comment and we wouldn't be having this "argument". And some people leave to get better and don't really change, so I can't really agree to that. I can agree that people leave and get better but some people don't.
And to not cause anymore 'drama' lets just leave this conversation here, or just delete everything because I have better things to be worried about, and I'm sure you do too.

dear renjin
you copied ren-jin oh dont say you didnt i can see your join date and just cuz ren-jin has likes doesnt mean you'll get some too if you copy him you f**cking brat
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smh, you're all idiots. I CAN APPROVE THAT @RENJIN IS THE REAL REN, MY SIBLING. @Ren-Jin is now AIDEN!!!
A while ago ren gave up on animating, so he decided to give his account to some friends he thought he could trust. Apparently not though!
are you all that oblivious to realize ren hasn't been on in a WHILE now?? and why would he post that "******" post???? That was aiden. not my brother. so if you'll all please, stop coming at him for trying to "copy" his own artsyle.
OBVIOUSLY you can tell when someone is copying their artstyle!! D u h!