Kawaii AF

I <3 Glaceon

-Light the fire! Map part 6!-

MyStIcAl MoRpHiNg MaGiC

TiP - Drawing Suggestions :D

Peaceful Sleep

the beautiful night sky


20.03.2020 15:39
LinkHello fellow humans! I’m sorry, but I’m going to be taking a short break from flipanim, I have a ton of school work to catch up on, and I want to work more on traditional art, and to the people that I promised stuff-
Berrylover - I have the file for the collab,, I’ve had it for a while
@Whiteb1azeEc1ps8326 - I’ll do my part of the art trade soon
@-Nightshade - how do I pay you back, you are amazing

Update: because of coronavirus means, school is taking away my iPad since they think we don’t need it anymore- sorry but I guess this is farewell, I really loved y’all- and, imma miss you guys 😔
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