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the story of "toymare"
28.09.2020 23:12
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Shortly after FNaS 2, Withered Sonic along with the other clones and animatronics, was sent to a storage unit. His body was fixed up and he hung out in the back room with the toys and Golden. One night, Toy Sonic got up and attacked Sonic, which led to his "Salvage" condition. After discovering the bodies of his now dead friends, he found the killer to be none other than Dr. Eggman! He stabbed Eggman with a knife as revenge for killing his friends. He was transferred to the 2027 SHPP location shortly after as the main character. During the day, he is given medicine to repair his damage. However, this is temporary, as when he turns evil at night, the injuries return. At the end of FNaS 3, he was crushed under the rubble when the building caught fire. He managed to escape the building and survive, trying to look for a way to bring back his friends. He started by heading to the 2017 location, where spare animatronic parts and cloning machines were kept. He revived his friends by giving them new bodies known as
28.09.2020 23:13
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as the "Nightmares." He also used as many animatronic parts as he could to build the monstrosity called "The Toymare." He went alone to search for the 2015 location, as he caught word that Luigi was hiding there. On the way, he ran into Nightmare Golden Sonic. Nightmare Golden stabbed Salvage Sonic with the same knife Salvage had used to kill Eggman. Nightmare Golden returned to the Nightmares and stuffed Salvage's body into Toymare.
28.09.2020 23:14
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Nightmare golden sonic baried his sprit after not having the will to live B U T. eggman found his body and killed sonic after salavged sonic killed eggman and eggman became a sirit
28.09.2020 23:14
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The Toymare was created by Salvage Sonic out of parts from the Withered Toys and spare parts from the 2017 SHPP location. When Salvage was killed by Nightmare Golden Sonic, Golden stuff Salvage's body inside of Toymare. The Toymare disappeared along with Golden after FNaS 4, not being captured like the other clones.
28.09.2020 23:16
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Shortly after the events of FNaS 3, Golden Sonic's body became more unstable. Soon enough, he became Nightmare Golden Sonic. He eventually ran into Salvage Sonic on his travels. He stabbed Salvage with the knife he had used to kill Eggman. He stuffed Salvage's body into The Toymare. He then created Nightmare Sonic within one of the cloning machines. He offered to help the other clones crush Luigi. Shortly after FNaS 4, he disappeared along with Toymare.
28.09.2020 23:17
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Continuing the Golden Sonic trend, '27 Golden Sonic is the condition of Golden Sonic in 2027. '17 Golden Sonic was sent to a storage unit alongside the other clones and animatronics, but unlike the other clones, he was never fixed up. Golden lost all will to live and decided to just bury his spirit, becoming an empty husk of a body. In 2027, after Eggman was killed, he spirit went into Golden's body and took full control as Golden didn't fight back. Golden was transferred to the 2027 SHPP location as a backup character. He disappeared after the fire that burned down the building.
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