

Gollihue Class Project 2

The Boy in the Boat

strangecat and valfar

cat ears【猫耳朵qq2343979678

Little scene from NM:R ep~


27.06.2022 06:09
LinkBroadwing needed this remake... She was literally such a BLAND CHARACTER!!
I don't really know what personality I should give her besides a little sassy. Sass fits her a bit... she is Blueleaf's mother afterall.
Anyways! I'll finish up the sketches tomorrow when I get the chance. There are 24 frames so far, but I still have dialogue left to do, so this whole sketch process might take a bit.
I'll get it done eventually though, then I can finally move onto lineart, which should be easy. With that being said... please enjoy my sassy baby!~