- create flipbook animations online!
《 Bonding 》
10.01.2020 12:20
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"Mama!!" A high pitched voice echoed through the long, empty halls of the house. A small girl in a sparkely pink dress and a large oversized bow ran down one of the halls, her pink slip on shoes loudly echoing. Behind her was another girl, though with a dark grey shirt, long black leggings and small brown boots. They looked exactly the same, except for thier clothing and length of hair. The pretty pink one had long, flowing light blonde hair, whole the other has hers in bob above her shoulders. "Ariya, you know mother and papa are in a meeting." The girl with the bob said. "Yes yes, Anastasia. But we are allowed to enter whenever we want!" Ariya said, stopping at a large, spruce door. She reached up to grab the handle.. so close when- "YOUNG ARIYA! YOU KNOW THERES MEETING!" Ariya cursed under get breath and turned around. Her nanny was looking at her and her sister with a look of anger, surprise and slightly amused? "I'm sorry, Natasha, I didn't tell Ariya that mama and papa where busy. Please forgive me.
10.01.2020 12:23
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Ariya whirled around to see Anastasia looked ashamed and bowing down low to the nanny. "Its alright dears, now I'm sure you'd mother will-" "What's going on about me?" Ariya looked behind her and saw her mother emerging from the door and hugged her. "Mama! The other kids wing play with me! They said they're too busy!" Her mother smiled, "They should be. Its papa Stalin's birthday tomorrow."
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