bnihenchksnc hdicbd *rages*
15.04.2021 13:51
Link*slams hand on table* StOrY tImE
15.04.2021 13:52
Linkthis is a real story about me
15.04.2021 13:53
Linkthis is the story of me not going to sleep some of u know i couldnt sleep that night so u know what i did! it was a school night it was likeeee this week or last week i cant remember bc i have short term memory lose
15.04.2021 13:57
Linkokie so i couldnt go to sleep on that day so i stayed up all night and when i went to school i was fine and then a few mins later i was tired my eyes were closing and i tryed staying up but i did until we had to go to library i was so hecking tired but i stayed up until school was over and when it was over i was fine again and then i went upstairs watching tiktok and i fell asleep for an hour from that night it was 5:00 in the morning