guy best friends


21.04.2021 19:40
Linkguy best friends r only ur guy best friend because they show u they care they see ur ups and downs so then when u break up with ur current "lover" they can call dibs and be the perfect guy for u which is y i dont aprove of guy best friends and have trust issues with them i will beat up my gfs guy best friend if he crosses a line with me bc im that protective of her she is mine no matter if ur her best friend or not i will not hesitate

21.04.2021 19:52
Linkwhen i say i dont approve i mean i dont like them but my gf is allowed to have them idm but when it comes down to it i will always be the one coming out on top the guy bestfriend should be scared of me and not try anything with my girl bc he prolly dont want grizzly knocking at his door