- create flipbook animations online!
27.07.2019 21:11
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Thank you!
I’m just gonna be honest I haven’t worked on the series much idk what has gotten into me but before now I was very excited and motivated to work and make new episodes and now I’m just a lazy potato that eats oatmeal and listening to sad Nightcore all day because yeah...I am trying my best though it’s not like I give/gave up on it it’s just I’m not feeling the same way....heck ever since this summer started I haven’t been the same if you actually look on my account it’s just full of shitposts those little stick people are just doodles I do whenever I’m not motivated enough to actually draw I mostly use the color gray a lot for my backgrounds because I’m to lazy to actually put forth the effort and draw the sun and grass. Eh so um I’m just gonna post what all I have done in the past week or so, so y’all can can see how lazy and unmotivated I am when it comes to animating.
27.07.2019 21:12
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Thank you!
But I’m going to finish the series before 2020 I know that for sure so just know that I’m not gonna give up I’m just taking a lot of breaks after I have drawn something ._. For all of y’all who are sticking with me through this journey and supporting the series I solute you all for having the patience to wait months for a 5 second clip that is no where close to being finished so yeah.
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