My heart stopped beating o///o
03.01.2021 05:46
Linkbut fr this morning I was in bed w/ my eyes closed & my fingers & toes started getting tingly & fall asleep and I noticed I couldn't feel my heart beat, and when I opened my eyes everything was really blurry and I almost passed out but it started again
and in conclusion I didn't tell anyone
03.01.2021 16:32
Linki deal with some like dat everytime i stretch back yawn etc i feel these tight tingles everywhere like somebody is squeezing my entire body making me lose air and i start to black out but not all the way my eyes dim out a bit once i fell over my bike a hit my head which gave me a knot but maybe cause i have low iron and health probs
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14.02.2021 13:08
LinkAhhhhh!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞