Since you guys seem to care so
08.11.2020 05:20
Linkmuch, I've decided to try and stop this attitude of mine... I still want to kill myself, but I guess I do deserve to live...
08.11.2020 05:21
LinkNow if you don't mind, I'm going to go watch youtube to get my mind off of things for a little...
08.11.2020 05:24
LinkStop saying that
Comment removed
Tell your parents, not the internet, i saw you deleted all the posts about it and its fine, your choice.. but don't come on FA and say your going to kill yourself or ask if you should start self harm.. your going to get a lot of back lash and trolls and haters, if you need to vent, then make a vent post, but, don't rely on the internet for help or support or to be kind, i wish you the best 💖