
Losing My Mind ~MEME~




waving mcfly

wishing flower (IForgotLeName)
You’re coming back?


18.10.2020 06:50
LinkHey sorry but I’m going to delete anyone comments gotta say something real quick

18.10.2020 06:51
LinkHello everyone, thank you for watching. I just wanted to make this short animation to express my feelings toward flipanim and my life in general. When I first made the post “Moving On” my mindset was in a very dark place, school was disastrous, lots of people were dying, and it seemed as if the world was turning into pure chaos. (it still is, but at least we have some sort of better knowledge) And with all these new changes, I couldn’t really cope with all the stress. The worst part is that this was happening to everyone. Looking back I cannot fathom the confusion everyone felt, but now that it seems as if the world is starting to find ways to fix these problems, it gives me some sort of hope.
Anyways, I’m getting sidetracked, The main reasons why I left flipanim was due to the following
.World crisis
.Negative emotions
.Lack of ideas
And lastly the most important one
.Feeling alone

18.10.2020 06:52
LinkJust to get this off my chest, I really wanted to say how much I hated this fake persona I put on myself, with all the “Hellos” and “I’m doing great!” phrases I say all the time. It just seems really fake. I’m trying to just be myself without having to worry about constantly please others. Still I don’t want to be rude and curse. I generally don’t curse online but it can slip out sometimes. Taking this 2 month break truly made me open up my mind to the fact that no is truly prefect or pure. And that no one will ever be, it’s human nature to make mistakes and try again, that’s how we grow both physically and mentally. And if I’m not real to you, then am I even real myself?

18.10.2020 06:53
LinkWhen I was still pumping out content daily I started to feel hollow seeing how everyone else was making better animations and art than I was. Plus due to how I still drew in the same style I once drew 8 months ago. That’s why when I made the “Update” post and the following others, I wanted to experiment and test my art skills. But even this animation looks like others I made a while back...Yet, I’m still here.

18.10.2020 06:53
LinkLastly I wanted to clear things up about me “trying to get hearts or followers”
I already took down the “Moving On” post because it doesn’t represent my feelings toward myself, or the website. When I first came here, I didn’t know anyone or how to make “good” art. I just wanted to make something. But now that I’m almost near 1000 followers it made gave me an another realization. That YOU the very person that is somehow still ready, made flipanim worth it. And the fact that I was going to be leaving that all behind for Discord seemed absurd. Don’t get me wrong, DISCORD IS FLIPPING AMAZING!!! But flipanim has a certain charm to it that it will never replace, besides I suck at talking for long periods of time unless it’s about a certain topic I know. Which is very rare. Still, I want to reach out and get to know more people and make new friends, because at the end of the day. I’m making long term memories that will effect my life forever.

18.10.2020 06:53
LinkAnd that truly mean a lot, thank you so much for being who you are, you’re amazing.

18.10.2020 06:54
LinkIn conclusion for everyone who read this (don’t worry I’ll make a tl;dr)
Thank you very much for being yourself, you are absolutely wonderful and just now this. If you feel like you don’t have anyone in your life who cares about you, just know that’s impossible, because we are human, and
humans help each other. I love you. (no homo lol)

18.10.2020 06:54
Linktl;dr: I’m coming back, reason I left was due to 2020 just being crazy. Thank you so much for sticking around!

18.10.2020 07:05
Link(I bet I made a horrendous amount of grammar mistakes)

Im glad you came back
Im sure we all are
And bro just remember
As long as youre here
Youve got us
So you won't be alone