i'll block fatphobes on site


06.05.2024 02:32
Linki love chubby ppl i love plus sized ppl i love ppl with even a little bit of tummy fat i love fat ppl guys

29.07.2024 20:56

29.07.2024 20:56

I'm into girls who are skinny fat, actually I'm into girls who are black, Asian and mix, and a geek at everything and a goth and a nerd and a wolf cult and a goofy personality and a loser and a loner 🤤

i cant run either and im not really considered fat 💀💀💀
im also unhealthy asf, im tryna improve that, but it dont mean u have to be fatphobic bro love everyone including urself
if you think you have health problems bc u love urself thats incorrect. you are allowed to love yourself, it does not cause unhealthy lifestyles.
you can fix your lifestyle without hating yourself for it hun just push thru and think about how ur improving rather than how you are now
once you change your views on fat people you'll change your views on yourself. some people are fat because of their genetics, not because of their diet or their workout routine, but even so, its important to remember as long as you're watching what youre eating and not critisising yourself for every small misstep you can love yourself in a healthy way

I used to be fat a few years ago and it wasn't fun at all smh, I was able to become less fat cuz I rode my bike more and I got gym twice I a row in school. I don't feel like being fat should be glorified considering that it increased the rate at which you could die and also I pretty sure tamper with your organs like heart rate and generally unhealthy