sad emoji
29.05.2024 19:48
Linkmy name on splat 3 is sonikku
and it was so funny when me and my sister were pl;aying
she kept saying sonikkuu I'm gonna get yoouu
like bruh
we were on the same team wdym
also minecraft, I have one of those brown dogs now
29.05.2024 19:49
Linksad emoji
I think
my friends
leaving me
and avoiding me
well more like a cousin and friend
I swear to God if this shit is happening again
I'm gonna just accept it
last time it didn't end well..
29.05.2024 19:50
Linkbut honestly it gives me more time to write my story
is what I am about to do
29.05.2024 19:52
Link(last time one of our friends a long time ago didn't let us talk to our cousin, saying that he likes her and only he can talk to her or something, but then right after he say he only wanted to be friends with her and didn't and never saw her like that. and then went after one of our other friends who I am not friends with anymore. and he better be ****ing glad he doesn't go to our high school, would've beat his ass on the spot.)