gonna do a pride month challe-
01.06.2021 15:12
gonna do:
-drawing an oc each day
-this one pride qna that i found
if anyone wants to do this w me lemme know!
Pride calendar:
1st - gay pride
2nd - lesbian pride
3rd - bisexual pride
4th - polysexual pride
5th - pansexual pride
6th - omnisexual pride
7th - skoliosexual pride
8th - demisexual pride
9th - grey asexual pride
10th - asexual pride
11th - polyamory pride
12th - intersex pride
13th - transgender mtf pride
14th - transgender ftm pride
15th - agender pride
16th - genderfluid pride
17th - bigender pride
18th - trigender pride
19th - pangender pride
20th - genderqueer pride
21st - demigirl pride
22nd - demiboy pride
23rd - androgynous pride
24th - intergender pride
25th - non-binary pride/freedom
26th - questioning pride
27th - homoromantic pride
28th - biromantic pride/anniversary of stonewall
29th - panromantic pride
30th - aromantic pride
Pride month qna:
1st - your sexuality?
2nd - your gender?
3rd - what made you realize you were lgbt+?
4th - are you questioning?
5th - are you accepted?
6th - do you accept yourself?
7th - have you ever been to pride?
8th - do you want to go to pride?
9th - do you own any pride merch?
10th - favorite lgbt+ youtuber?
11th - know any lgbt+ books?
12th - favorite lgbt+ song/artist
13th - are you out?
14th - when did/will you come out?
15th - do you wish you were cishet?
16th - show us your flag(s)
17th - favorite lgbt+ couple?
18th - your relationship status?
19th - truscum or tucute?
20th - inclusionist or exclisionist
21st - thoughts on mogai
22nd - what are your pronouns?
23rd - whats your gender expression?
24th - share an lgbt+ opinion
25th - fun fact about you
26th - lgbt+ struggle you have
27th - lgbt+ perk you have
28th - advice to young lgbtqia+ people?
29th - which lgbt+ stereotypes do you fit?
30th - which lgbt+ stereotypes arent true for you?