about me
05.12.2022 08:26
LinkCall me Colin/Black Flop/Korofloppa/RandomFloppa/MandelaCataloguePerson
My pronouns are: They/Her (Demigirl)
I get uncomfortable when:
a pedophillie (just no)
a zoophillie (do I need to explain??)
spacing words (EX: hell o b ell a)
saying my phobias in a joke or it's funny that I'm scared of those things.
and prob more shit you will find out.
saying something that ISN'T supposed to be joked about
don't do these things alot in my account
don't punt (OR HARASS) my main ocs please they are main ocs for a reason (but if you need to defend yourself then ok but for no reason is just a block for 3 days)
don't start drama here and don't put like a ad.
end of the typing
05.12.2022 08:26
Linkew restart of about me eweweweweeww