- create flipbook animations online!
Watch me rant
15.08.2020 03:30
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bruh ngl i'm thinking bout getting another account this account's username is ****ing cringy I swear, every few months I get some furry hater cunt on my anim spamming the n word or telling me to die bruh I don't care jackshit if you want me to die I don't want to so i'm not going to die rn, thanks anyways I made this account when I thought being a furry weeb was "qUirkY" and "kAwAii" I had this account a year ago I was like that then everyone has had cringe-ass phases we look back, don't we? anyways, I'm probs just gonna dump this account sooner or later, mostly because of the cringe username and the fact that i'm barely active here everyone following me should know that I don't use flipanim for talking I use it for the drawing mechanic because I've gotten used to it hell, flipanim was my first drawing tool 3 years ago lmfao bet you some asshole is gonna spam die or offensive terms on my account after I leave yes, I'm a furry deal with it other people are furries too don't ***** about it n
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