me talking look at 1st comment
14.06.2021 05:08
Link-me- "what is it like having 100 followers?"
-Schneazle- "its like a big family, i guess."
-me- "what do you mean?"
-Schneazle- "i don't know how to explain it.
it feels good to have a family,
which i guess now i have. it
feels wonderful."
-me- "its hard to get to that point,
not a lot of people have reached
that goal."
-Schneazle- "your right its not eazy."
14.06.2021 05:10
Linkthis took a while for me to think about its a hard goal to reach in life but its a one that you'll risk for.
28.09.2021 02:40
Linknot that big of a risk dough :/