23.11.2019 00:29
LinkOk so
ONE character in ONE show/movie: is gay
People: oMg eVeRyThInG iS gAy nOw! ThE gAys ArE tAkInG oVeR tHe wOrLd.
Literally almost every other character ever: is straight
Like, bruh. Sure, there are more lgbtq fictional characters now. But why the hell are you mad about that? Straight people have been portrayed comfortably throughout basically every single thing ever. Kids movies, and straight couples kiss and stuff. That’s totally fine right? But the second it’s a sAmE SeX cOuPlE
23.11.2019 00:30
LinkAnd everyone thinks it’s innapropriate/the gAys are tAkInG oVeR
Some people are just so stupid.