*Gags while posting this wip*
28.03.2020 03:05
LinkSrry for not being alive... a lot of things came up because of the corona and I wasn’t able to use my phone to post this earlier... also I doubt I’ll be able to finish this wip but I promise I won’t completely die from this site until I’ve done the things on my to do list, then maybe focus on other things ;^;
28.03.2020 15:29
LinkAlso this is supposed to a be a wip for the soldier poet king meme with the biggest one n king bein hooman flipanim, the middle n poet bein hooman add frame and the smollest n soldier one bein hooman trash anim. cuz this be trash :,)
28.03.2020 15:32
LinkInspired by this hooman —->
(Also the flower on the poet is a kind of sort of tribute :))
08.04.2020 16:58
Link*Ahem* a late edit, the poet’s actually supposed to be hooman copy paste frame :P