Sexuality went yeet for a bit


02.06.2021 02:32
LinkWhen I was like 7 to 9 or 10 years old I thought OwO boy not have cooties so seggzy, and then when I was 10 or 11 I came out as bisexual but preferred boys. Then I eventually grew to prefer women. Then I started thinking I was pansexual. But then I thought I was omnisexual. Then I questioned abrosexual. But recently I've settled on lesbian/straight boy/Trixic, (I've known I was genderfluid for a while) and at least romantically attracted to only women. I'd probably @%#$ a male but I'm really not interested in dating men. Maybe I'll decide otherwise in the future but at the moment g u r l

02.06.2021 02:33
LinkI felt the need to make this post idk why