20.12.2024 08:03
LinkI wish I could curse people on flipanim whenever I wanted I want some of you guys to have slight misfortunes when you guys are being a pain in the behind or causing drama let me cause your knees to crack loudly with every step you take for a week
20.12.2024 08:04
LinkI wish I could also steal you people's art skills I hate you minors who draw better than me hand it over NOW
20.12.2024 08:05
Linkhaha it's flipanim dead hours so I can say all the bad stuff I want and nobody will see it because there's 2 people active rn and they're both nerds
20.12.2024 08:06
LinkI always wondered why n is so white in this featured anim I watched the anime and didn't play the game so maybe that's why but I didn't think he was white as his white clothes white