Missing Halloween


✨🌈Happy Pride Month!!🌈


Luxo Jr. and his ball


Even Brave Men Cry
lemme fucking type


24.08.2018 21:53
Linkwhy does everyone keep coming on here to say they draw better?like look at the bottom comment,then look at there account.what the actual **** i just asked what age my art looked like i didnt ask if you think you draw better then other people jeezus christ.you draw good i wont lie but why do you follow me then?like i honestly dont give a **** if you think your art is better,stop commenting it on my shit,not to metion you picked the worst possible day because im already ****ing annoyed

24.08.2018 21:53
Linklike i dont ****ing care,dont post it on my shit,because i dont care about whether you think you can draw better are what you ****ing nonce

25.08.2018 02:54
LinkI'm sorry, I just think that my art is crap, and so I was just surprised that my art is better then somebody whose more populer then me, I just say things sometimes that I think won't hurt anybody, but then they hurt, an then I'm embarrassed, and I don't even wan't to talk to anybody anymore, and then I'm eating rocks in the basement watching crystalwish, and I'm just sorry.

25.08.2018 03:13
Linkits fine,your not the only one that said,it,and i know what you mean,your art is good to.i tend to get embarrassed when people are mad at me too.im sorry.i was just very annoyed today and didnt really take it well,but your fine

28.08.2018 00:16

Ik I saw. That's ****ing bullshit and you should know that because that's really stupid that people would try to do that saying that there are looks better than yours but obviously I I actually clicked all of their atoms and I like said dude what the **** can you just like stop and leave this personal loan like they don't even know who you are in real life so they should just shut the ****ing because I don't even know who they are and I actually reported some of them but that were on your animal because I just thought that was complete bullshit that they were actually saying that stuff about you

Can you shut the **** up this half of the stuff on my file is by other people's files so you could just shut the **** up open my animals and actually see if it was my art so you should just shut up because this isn't even my art who cares they really are better drawer than me and realize I go to their ****ing school so you don't ****ing know this person personally they can you just shut the ****ing this is bullshit you are bullshit just unfollow me unfollow me because you obviously don't ****ing know the difference between the words file and OC

i think you draw perfectly nice, everyone has a different style. i dont get why they even bothered to comment that they draw better. i'm dissapointed in the people who even bothered to comment that they draw better than you when i dont think its really true. no one is better than someone. if they like their style and dont like someone elses they dont have to state it out that they draw better.
its annoying, i know. it pisses you off, i know. just ignore it and delete it.
and your comment here is perfectly right. you shouldnt care , and they dont have the right to do that.
i really like your style, no one should say theyre better. no one is better than someone because no one is perfect or the best.
once again, ignore them if they annoy you with those type of comments or delete them. just know that youre good at drawing and have fun.