- create flipbook animations online!
I just had an idea
14.05.2018 14:19
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So, my birthday isn't that far away (less than three months tops, and I know that seems far away, but not when I get lost on the internet. Then time goes fast) and I just now thought of what I want. My cousin's birthday was recent, and he got a signed card from one of his fav singers. I would ask for that, but I don't expect my mom and dad to get a signed note from Tyler and Josh, let alone on hiatus. However, I can get the next best thing. You know those custom bracelet companies online? I can get "stay alive" written in Tyler and Josh's handwriting put on two bracelets. It won't be that expensive, and they won't have to go through much trouble getting a picture of it or getting them to write it or anything. I mean, they can literally just google it and loads of pictures of it written in their handwriting for fans pop up. It's simple, not expensive, under budget, and it will mean a lot to me. The perfect plan. Idk why I cam over here to say it I ust thought of it and decided to tell people idk
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