Kaneki you little...
10.03.2018 03:18
LinkIn case you didn't understand any of that, (I sure as bell didn't) an anime called Tokyo Ghoul (really good btw) is playing with my emotions like silly putty lol. SPOILER WARNING: THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES ARE SPOILERS, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK: so in episode 12 I cried, and then the fight between Kaneki and Yamori shifted my view of Kaneki a bit, and then BOOM Kaneki joins Aogiri Tree and im just fed up, and the opening theme for Tokyo ghoul root A is just crap in my opinion, but i guess the creators liked it. And im kinda confused whats going on with Hide, and touka is just so darn dead inside. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. But for some strange reason, i still love TG. Also, I don't frickin care about whoever the Owl is.
10.03.2018 04:02
LinkONE WORD FOR TOKYO GHOUL: irresistible
11.03.2018 13:43
LinkThey make this big deal over the owl, but I really just want to see Kaneki, I really feel like they give the CCG too much screen time.
11.03.2018 16:27
LinkSAME! I want to see more of Touka and the ghouls at Antieku, but nooooooo. I feel like the only good thing about all that CCG screen time is seeing more of Hide. Also, when Touka was taking a tour of Kamii (after Nishiki rudely left her by herself) and she is looking at the pic of kaneki on the missing poster, and Hide comes and takes it down to put up his poster, notices Touka, and im just like MMMMMMMMMMM YES THIS IS MY FAVORITE SCENE IN SEASON 2. and then, afterwards, Hide looks at the kaneki missing poster and says something like, "Kaneki, don't make that sweet girl worry about you." I'm on the verge of tears because it is just so DARN BEAUTIFUL.