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I want to be real for a second
16.03.2018 13:00
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There;s some things I don't tell people, things that I don't even think my closest friends or family know about me. So, I decided to tell a few of them because what's the point? Huh? I mean, I'm going to get attacked anyway because I have a fringe so why not make myself seem even more edgy by revealing the flaws about me which I have bottled up inside for years. Let's start off with I don't think I should have ever been here. I'm not saying that I'm a mistake, no no no my parents planned me and everything, they wanted two kids and got them. It's that, I've tried to die so many times even in my childhood to the point where I don';t think I can forgive the God I was raised to know and love completely for letting me live. I mean, people say whatever God is above knows the future, the present, past, everything, so why did he let me live knowing my future would be nothing but pain and instability for the rest of my life? I should have died at birth.
16.03.2018 13:05
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I was born a bit early. I pulled the cord and started choking in my own blood. I was cut out of my mom and I'm pretty sure it was so they could save her because until they did no one really knew if I was still alive or not. I should have drowned at birth. I should have frozen to death too. I jumped into a river in the middle of winter in Tennessee in summer clothing not knowing how to really swim when I was four. I should have frozen, drowned, whichever came first. Yet whatever God is above that I believe in let me live, and I don't feel I can ever really come to terms with why or forgive it. I've fallen out of trees, sprained bones, damaged a few nerves, gone to the hospital because I couldn't breath, almost been in car accidents, lost people I cared about, seen my sister go under the knife so many times that I don't even get surprised, etc. My life is nothing but pain, and whoever is still letting me live knows that.
16.03.2018 14:00
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Wow. I feel so bad for you.
16.03.2018 14:04
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Thanks I guess
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