09.03.2022 23:00
LinkAll Sprites - https://paste.pics/237ee967746fc7cfbe09322e3827d35c
New Sprites - https://paste.pics/8721b6089dcfa1771f2065e5b8d1aa6c

09.03.2022 23:01
LinkWe are again taking questions, suggestions, and ideas!
(not dead hours anymore lmao)

09.03.2022 23:12
LinkNew tools:
Lasso Tool (brown pen): Draw around an area you want to select
Brush Types (grey pencils): Different types of brushes for things like texturing, atmosphere, calligraphy, etc.
Pixel Tool (blue pencil with square): When enabled, it creates a pixel grid and when you click on a square it will fill the square in, making pixel art much easier. You will also be able to change the size of the squares.
Bucket Eraser (yellow eraser): Works like a paint bucket tool, but instead of coloring the area, it erases it.
Flip Tool (purple circle): Flips the layer or selected object on the vertical or horizontal axis. To flip it vertical you drag up or down, to flip it horizontal you drag left or right.
Bucket Select (orange bucket): Works like a paint bucket tool, but instead of coloring the area, it selects it.
Smudge Tool (gray hand): It simulates the effect you see when you drag a finger through wet paint. Helps blend colors together.

09.03.2022 23:15
Shape Select (dashed line shapes): Selects an area in that shape, you can change the size of the selected area also.
Audio (speaker): Choose for a set list of sounds!
Dodge Tool (sun): It allows you to lighten specific areas of your image without affecting hue or saturation.
Burn tool (moon): allows you to darken specific areas of your image without affecting hue or saturation.

Dodge Tool (sun): It allows you to lighten specific areas of your image without affecting hue or saturation.
Burn tool (moon): allows you to darken specific areas of your image without affecting hue or saturation.
Bucket Eraser (yellow eraser): Works like a paint bucket tool, but instead of coloring the area, it erases it.
hope this explains it well enough :D
Comment removed

Hey, I'm late to the party, but are you a FA admin? and are these leaks for an update or new site? Does this mean the owners didn't abandon FA?
I'm a little confused but still excited
Also nice sprites

Hi :D these leaks are for a new site, but we do not work with, or have any contact with the owner of FA sadly :( . This is its own project and doesn't correlate with the original FA. Pineapple-rind (who is not the owner of FA)is the main owner of the FAv2 project, you can get more updates about it here :D vvv