- create flipbook animations online!
Here u go
18.09.2020 16:36
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I’ll post my reply here since disc isn’t working 💜💜
18.09.2020 16:39
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18.09.2020 16:40
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18.09.2020 16:50
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18.09.2020 16:52
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😭😭😭💜💜 only person who dosent enrage her
18.09.2020 16:53
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😭😭😭💚💚💚💚✨✨✨✨ What a wholesome killer
18.09.2020 17:00
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18.09.2020 16:38
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(THIS MAN IS SO WHOLESOME WH- I LOVE HIM SO MUCH -the men who were nearby fell silent as her eyes widened quite a bit, she almost wanted to smack him upside the head, what a silly boy she thought to herself, dosent know what he’s getting himself into, but she’d be lying if the thought hadn’t crossed her mind before, he was just about as nice and forgiving to her more than anyone else in this damned town was, she paused as she realized she was silent for quite some time, her eyes cut back up to meet his gaze as she blinked a bit- oh, well, how’s about I grab a few bottles and you head upstairs with me-? -she tried to act nonchalant, but she was growing increasingly, embarrassed was it? No way, that’s not in my nature she thought to herself once again, grabbing some bottles from behind the bar as she started up the stairs-
18.09.2020 16:50
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-he followed her up the stairs with an overly excited smile, he didnt think hed get this far at all, he thought she wouls just knock him on the head and let him see the door out, but there he was, next to her, as he looked to her he saw a woman of power, a woman of bravery, a woman that deserved the world and more, he began to think about his future, what if she started to date him, what if they went on to marry, what if they went off to live happily together, stomping their enemies along the way like stepping stones on their great journey in life, he then realixed he had been staring at her with a gaping jaw for quite a while and snapped his mouth close, wide eyed he looked away but still followed her, unintentionally getting closer to her, not close enough to be touching, but he almost seemed to gravitate to her, yet he still looked away, his face a deep red that showed his embarassment for dreaming such things in front of her-
18.09.2020 17:00
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-she would take occasional glances at him, she grinned slightly seeing his mouth open, she snickered slightly- easy dear, a fly may land in there -she made it to a small office, not much was in there, a decent sized wooden desk with a cigar case and an empty glass on it, on the wall was a dart board, a picture of a man with black hair and suspenders was posted on the dart board, but it was so covered in holes it was almost unnoticeable, she handed a bottle of vodka over to him, she was holding some jack Daniels to her chest as she flicked open the top, taking a swig- after all this time of passing you by you come to finally visit me, and to ask me out? -she smiled at him- you’re a bold man Thomas, I respect that -she leaned against her desk as she took another swig, smiling only slightly at him-
18.09.2020 17:29
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-he chuckled a bit as she said that, opening the bottle of vodka he took a big swig of it, smiling to her gently- well- I kinda figured, why else would you keep visiting me so much, i mean usually my regulars are weeks apart, youre almoat a daily thing -he chucked- im not complaining though, I just- think youre a very attractive person, and since you see me so much- maybe we can see each other more often? -he paused for an awquard ammount of time and took another weirdly big gulp of the vodka- I-im sorry I'm not good at this sort of thing, usually i only see women for one night, but you- just feel- something? -he giggled a bit and suddenly he gave her a comfortable smirk, the way he did just seemed almost- magical, it almost seemed like he dived deep into her soul and embraced every feeling she had for him, he wanted to make her feel fuzzy and warm inside, make her even melt if he could, though he didnt think he could, he still seemed to have a strong and bold personality under the nervous wreck he was-
18.09.2020 17:36
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-she returned his smirk with a surprisingly warm smile, she wasn’t used to people being comfortable around her and it seemed to calm her as well, she took another swig of her drink before she moved closer to him, patting his shoulder gently- that sounds amazing to me -there was quite a flush to her cheeks, not used to being complimented or even called attractive, her eyes lit up as she got an idea, she gripped his shoulders tightly- in fact- why don’t you move your little show here!! You’d make much more money here! -she grinned, stepping slightly closer- and you’d always be around me then!
18.09.2020 18:18
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-his face only grew more flushed and red- y-you mean that?- like i wont be a bother to anyone? -he began to smile even more, letting himself throw himself at her, grabbing her with a hug, he smelled like lavender and salmon, his hair was soft yet thick against her skin, his arms had a grip that squeezed her gently, their chests pressed together as it seemed like he could almost cry- I would love to- thank you, really, to have an actual place to perform -he pulled away a bit as his eyes fell onto her's, he was truly happy, his hands still on her shoulders as the twinkle in his eyes began to show as he gazed upon her-
18.09.2020 18:26
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-she smiled back at him with almost the same amount of enthusiasm, she held onto his shoulders, it seemed she didn’t actually know how to hug, she just continued to pat his shoulders for a few moments till she stepped back, grabbing her bottle as she clicked it against his- then shall we celebrate to a long lasting business partnership? -she chuckled as she took a swig from hers, now she loved to drink, but admittedly she was already feeling a bit drunk so she set the bottle down, not wanting to embarrass herself infront of him, she gave him a happy smile as she sat on her desk, grabbing her case of cigars- you want one? Or we could share one if it’s too much tobacco to handle
19.09.2020 20:37
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-he decided to set his bottle down, he was clearly quite tipsy from the large nervous glugs he took- i- id like a cigar yes, thanks for cinsidering that too, its very thoughtful, youre a real nice cat corey -he giggled a bit and wrapped an arm around her, almost supporting himself on her, he was quite comfortable around her, with a big goofy grin plastered on his face, he moved to hold her hand- you seem like a strong person, and confident too, you make me feel safe and- i dont wanna say this so soon but- loved? Idk if thats dumb but, its what I feel, and ill always stand behind that -he gave her a genuine grin, his warm smile showing hoe much he already appreciated her just by seeing him and accepting him in her life-
19.09.2020 20:42
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-she smiled at him a bit, clasping her paw around his hand, she leaned him against the desk slightly- oh dear, I think you drank a bit much -she tugged a cigar out for him, lighting it and handing it over to him- surely I’d be the last person you’d feel safe around, I mean you’re more then aware of what I do for a living -she sighed gently, pulling her hand away so she could step closer to the window, she took a moment to consider her feelings towards this man, but she didn’t want him to get any more involved then he had to be, maybe she should scare him off she thought to herself, whatever it was, she didn’t want him headed down the same path as her, she looked back to him- I’m nothing but bad Thomas, you know this- don’t you-?
19.09.2020 22:45
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-he walked to her as he took a puff on the cigar, smiling he placed his hand on her paw again- I know- but when you love something, I feel that one should do anything to have that thing in their life, and corey, you are that thing, everyone deserves to love, even you -he chuckled a bit as he almost stumbled over, laughing a bit- maybe youre right- I did have too much to drink -he tried to lean against the window for support, his cheeks were flushed yet he still smiled when he saw her- you make me feel warm corey, no one else can do that
19.09.2020 22:56
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-she took the moment to gently smile, she found herself fighting to keep her guard up, she wanted oh so badly to let her walls down, let this nice man in and give him a try, but she was more then afraid, terrified even, she glanced away as it was noticeable in her expression something was wrong, she gently held him by the shoulders and set him down in her rather soft office chair, rubbing his shoulders slightly, she ignored everything he said beforehand, hoping he would forget as well- that’s fine, you sit there and wait for the buzz to wear off then -she -it a hand to his forehead, itmediatley cursing at herself silently for acting so caring- you feel a bit warm, are you sick?
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