Horribly underrated Youtuber


10.12.2021 12:39
Linkwhy does he only have 14k he makes great quality videos?
Here's his channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/doctor4t)

its because his first video was only a year ago and he is FAIRLY new into the youtube community. He is working his way up to the thousands of subscribers and it may take a few years. like for instince theodd1sout had about 8 mil......i might be way off but he has been doing yt for a hella long time for about maybe 8 years.......6 maybe.....7 maybe.....9 maybe anyway for a long time. he worked hard to reachh where he is and it took him a hella long time. so in a matter of time this youtube that you watch will grow and get more subs and grow inn the yt community :)