i'm boreddddd
01.05.2020 22:52
Link*Watches other people rp with you*
01.05.2020 22:52
Linko h-
01.05.2020 22:53
LinkWe must let someone comment what he thinks in the rps
01.05.2020 22:53
Hhhhh f i n e
Character X reads Character Y their horoscope, fortune, or result from a personality quiz.
Character X admits something to Character Y that they've always wanted to try.
Character X notices Character Y struggling to hold something heavy, unwieldy, or dangerous.
Character X has to get Character Y somewhere on time, but they’re already running late.
Character X catches Character Y taking pictures or doodling sketches of them.
One or both characters suddenly lose their powers and/or inhuman traits.
Character X tries to help Character Y overcome a fear, irrational or otherwise.
Character X shares a drink with Character Y to celebrate or commiserate something.
Character X drives a getaway vehicle while Character Y defends, repairs, or navigates.
Both characters are staying in a room with only one bed and no couch. Figure it out.
Character X stole (or “borrowed”) something from Character Y, who wants it back.
A pretend argument or friendly sparring match between both characters accidentally gets real.
Character X is sick or injured, Character Y is trying to take care of them.
Character X is pretending they're someone else, and Character Y might be buying it.