Meet Brew
12.09.2020 23:00
12.09.2020 23:01
LinkOg design
#1E1A1C, #1F0318, #8B705F, #7F534B, #E5F2C8, #FE9541, #D1561E
12.09.2020 23:09
LinkName Brew Marrow
Age 22-24
Height 6 ft
Type doggo
Sex male
Sexuality bi? Prefers girls
Personality rude as hell, stubborn, can get pretty cocky and stuck up, aTtITUdE, he Dosnt really show that he likes you if he does other than being just a lil bit nicer
Tends to be a jerk
Backstory hasent been very wealthy his entire life, at 16 he helped his father work at a bar, he just cleaned the glasses
And he's been working there since
Now he's a tender
He enjoys stuff like gambling, watching sports and violence, although he does like fights go down he is not one to enjoy a horror movie with cuz he gets all scared
And he likes it clean- no dirt
It bothers him
And no more family
They are dead
He is wearing a button up shirt that is white with a slight orangish brow in it
He has one of those suit vests that are button up and black gloves
He's wearing black dress pants that are tucked into black boots
12.09.2020 23:10
LinkAnd he carries a lil switch blade around everwhere