- create flipbook animations online!
13.02.2022 01:32
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 A bright flash, a sack of cash, and it was over. I shoved my Pop-Tart wrapper in my hoodie pocket, then hauled the sack over my shoulder heading to the nearest bank. Well I guess its my bank if I use it every week. I walked in, and found my favorite bank agent.       "Chad, I need to deposit three fourths of this." I plopped the money on the counter where Chad took it set it by my file and told me to come back tomorrow. I nodded.       I walked home a calm leisurely pace. Depositing my waste in the trash can I swung around the final bend to get home. I climbed the stairs to my front door and basically fell inside. I gasped for air, I hadn't realized I had been holding my breath until I almost passed out. My mom blew in the room, handing me some water. I gulped it down, letting run in drops down my chin.       "You look like you ran across the whole city! What did you do?" She looked concerned.        I told her I wanted to run and just came home. I couldn't tell her that I made a deal wit
13.02.2022 01:33
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with Lucifer. She might just send me down to hell. Or perhaps make him dead . . . Twice? I didn't want to think about that. "Hey, mom . . . I'm gonna eat a sandwich, and then I'll be in my room. I'm now tired again."      My mom nodded, and stepped away from me. "Hey!" She called as I went up the stairs, "I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?" I shouted down to her, "Uh . . . If you could grab me a box of popcorn?"        My mom left the house as I flopped onto my lofty pillow-top bed. I groaned as my phone buzzed just a little too loudly for me. I growled at it as I answered. "Wha-a-aT?" Whoever it was hissed and dropped the call. I turned my ringer down a bit just before it went off for the second time. I had to check the caller I.D. so I didn't yell at my mom. I couldn't be sure so I answered in a nice even voice. "Hello?" It was him. Shit. My brain growled to me. "Hello." The poison honey voice cooed. "What do you want, you uptight Hell keeper?"          My line changed after that s
13.02.2022 01:34
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My line changed after that sentence. "Birch? Why are you calling? Did you think of something you needed?" I slapped my hand to my forehead. "No mom. Sorry, it was a butt-dial." That was my only lie I had saved.        The call ended, after my mom said ok, bye. I silenced my phone after texting ALL my contacts and making sure that it sent that I would NOT be answering any phone calls. My phone vibrated, angering me. I was fuming at this point so - of course I did a bad thing - went to the bathroom and washed my face. Bad, bad bad. Mirrors, no good. There he was, waiting with his sharp-toothed smirk. I bared my dull human teeth. Mock horror shook Lucifer.       "What do you want, you strawberry pimp looking demon." My eyes sparkled with anger, and smugness. A snarl started to build in the back of his throat, until I turned away. His eyes widened like a sheep seeing a wolf. "Wait!" I hissed a "Why?" under my breath.
13.02.2022 01:35
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He hesitated so I took that as an opportunity. I bolted from the bathroom, tripping over my random blanket I didn't know was on the floor. "Omph!" I sat up, and crawled over to my bed. I screeched into a pillow as his voice disappeared. I punched my bed over and over again before I fell asleep.
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