He took the rose!


❤️ Corgi! 🐾


Oliver Blink IMPROVED

Dusk Garden ~ @goopjuice

Reintro myself fr this⏰


28.01.2024 07:52
LinkSo hello haiiii I know I swore I wouldn’t come back but how are you?
wondering why I came back even tho many people don’t give a ****?
I just wanted to look at old art and I thought hmm maybe I should make things right and come back again even tho no one likes me
So reintroducing myself
Hai, I’m Vee no longer that Roza mf you met and I'm now a lesbian yeah no longer pansexual so heh I’ve realized I’m cringe so lol saw lots of ppl quitting, and welp found out some stuff lol also I have insta, discord, and other social (ask me so I can give your my user if you want)
I also came to apologize to the people I annoyed and probably said some stuff too so yeah sorry I was annoying little shit and also came to catch up with yall so if yall wanna talk and stuff feel welcome to also I’ve changed a lot like a lot my art got better so did my animations heh and
I’d like to thank the ppl who stayed following cause I’m surprised you did
Again I’m available to talk on any socials so feel free

28.01.2024 07:53
LinkLot of yapping and spelling mistakes sorry lol