im such a good erson


13.09.2024 00:37
Linkwanna hear my dream from last night

13.09.2024 00:40
Linkheh typing dream///

13.09.2024 00:42
Linkits rly funny i promise
so basically last night i had a dream i was liek in school but then like little sixth graders (our school has a wide variety of grades in them) were running around but they were like skinwalkeres and they started chasing my class and we were like running through these rooms but the rooms looked reallly weird and kinda "wizardy" ig. We had to do a backflip, or a frontflip through a painting to go to the next room (idk man). Eventually we locked ourselves into a room and there were only two skinwalker sixth graders outside :3. We were waiting and then one broke down the door but some kid had like a glock and abslutely shredded the thing??// the next skinwalker was about to coem over or smth and the dream ended

13.09.2024 00:42
Linkthis is dumnb