>Gift for Landon<3<

Yuna The Dalmatian


@Juliet1's Oc's

Leave you!

Three Years of Flipanim

Cause boredom moment


06.08.2020 23:02
LinkWhat's the best Anim you made!

06.08.2020 23:02
Link?* Had to type fast cause this is golden
Comment removed

06.08.2020 23:04
LinkHmm I’m not sure I’ll have to look back on my anims to decide, it might take a while and it also greatly depends on when the anim was made, since a person can be constantly improving y’know, but when I decide I’ll attach some of my favourite anims so I can answer your question

06.08.2020 23:04
LinkPlease don’t comment chain guys
It’s hard to answer that way

06.08.2020 23:31
LinkWell I couldn’t decide on what I thought was my “best anim ever” but this one has always been one of my favourites, and even though it’s a year old I still think it looks good
Comment removed

07.08.2020 14:47
Linkare you mostly a digital artist or a real life artist, or do you just draw and animate for fun?

If you were a greek mythology monster which one would you be?(I love greek mythology....)And, What's your favorite song???

Hi, Shadow I have a question what do you think of my art. I don't mind if you don't like it most of my classmates don't like my style of art so...

What inspired you to start drawing, and where do you get inspiration for your characters?? I’ve been curious qwq

Well I started drawing because I was bored, most of my character inspirations are kinda spontaneous, some are based on songs, some are literally based on everyday things, most of my inspiration to draw in general comes from music
If I’m not making song doodles then I’m at least listening to something that has me hyped and wanting to literally d r a w the song through my art

What are your favorite animals?
Some of your inspos?
How do you draw humans so well?
Are u and doodlekid married yet?
Do you like bubble tea?
Would you rather have a pet owl or a horse?
Hru ?
If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you knew you would die in 3 days, wwud?

well I like most cats and most dogs, although really tiny angry dogs kinda freak me out, so do h airle s s cats
snow leopards and polar bears are cool too :>
and owls
I get 99% of inspiration from music so idk how to answer that
Probably practice and trial and error I suppose, you get stuff wrong, you look up some ref's of how to draw things you have a hard time with, eg hands and stuff, and then you just keep practicing once you think it feels/looks right
I've never tried it but I heard its cool
Owl 100% we have a lot of trees in my garden so it would probably like it here, and my neighbour used to work at a bird shelter thingy (not sure exactly but she has like a thousand bird feeders so-)
I'm good, happy you asked so many questions since I like answering questions
one food-, hmm if I could only have one thing for the rest of my life I'd probably just eat mochi
Uhh, well if I just s u d d enly found out, I'd probably cry first and I also probably wouldn't sleep the entire 3 days,other than

how long does it takes to scrolls down the Follows you list
and who you follows (just type in the number if you follows too many people)

Are you a banana, a hooman, or a bicycle?
What is the song you believe inspires most of your characters?
how old are you and depending on age are u dating (eh idk I haven’t had much time to go back like HMMM I SEEE SHE IS 57 YEARS OLD AND LIVES IN HELL.... SINGLE LADY [and if u feel uncomfortable with the age question, u don’t need to answer it])
What’s your favorite book series?
Do you read Wings of Fire and/or Warrior Cats?
If I owned a babeh duckling that was purple would you steal it from the trees
Have you done the thing where you say “I remember when...” and let the word thingy bar whatever it might do ever possibly be full on the rest?
are you spongebob
Am I being annoying with me asking this amount of questions?
If there was one user on here you would kill, who would it be?
Do you believe me when I say

Well as far as I can tell I'm a human
Well I don't have a single song that inspires aLL my characters, I usually just have one for each that reminds me of them, that type of thing
I'm 15 lol
idk about the book series question, tbh I've forgotten about a lot of books I've read, especially series wise, tell you what though, one of my favourite books (not book series, just books in general) that I've read is called "Dead for 13 minutes" its really cool.
Nope, I haven't read either
No I'm not spongebob lmao
Nope, I like answering questions
I CaN't AnSwER thAT- 1. thats very illegal 2. its not polite to murder people
No not really lmao