about me its about time


02.06.2021 13:03
Linkso all of you are some frickin great and awesome people and ive been drawing for 10 years now and i got to say i got better i never gave up and i never will till my last breath. now to the juicy part, im a 12 year old artist and animator i know im 12 ok dont freak out its fine anyway i have a yt also witch you all know i was born in 2009 jan 3 in corning my little dudes on this website the red one named blake the black one sully and the dark red one is named max annnnnd well theres not much really

kittynum, CoolamME, trisha-paytas, FoIIower, aliienoiid, -floofynes-, bubblymelon, TheCrazyRabit, PuppypartcatQueen, boingToster33, Kogeray, solobroz658462181907, sullyh55, TheBlueKitty, madness5737385, joe97anim, Eduardo089, ThisPersonIsMe777, Kayuwu, bababoey, WereWolfie, mrching, ghostchild11, glitchtrap, Deadpool1268, warrior-cats-nwn, bomb1012, NameMeSombodyElse, sullyh44, ChocolateFrostyMilks, Bemon7688888888, PerfectlyPeachy, NANANANANARACOONMAN, ongale5234, Creeperboy, hat-fox, Breadisbread, sullyharr6474828r, sullyharrison464646, fetus-, shepherd, Kokkuri-san, MemeMan123, -NagitoKomaeda-, imakethings123, Yvonie, random-things12345, pugz145, Ramen-Chan, roblox-animater6597, robuxplzz, Madness57385, Shadow12367, erorrsans, Arianna3713, followthemall, Spit-Spat, Snowybasil99t75u5747, Shattered256, DollarMelonDollar, FUNNY-NARWHAL17, Crimsonsky56, PuddingUwU, kiggle-snips, Deadslayer84, PastaGoddess all of you are fliping great i got to say i would of never heard of this place if LARGE PIGEON danks