rate my art


18.05.2021 14:52
Linkand is it improving? Pls be honest!

I really think you're improving in your art! I think its naturally beautiful in its own way, keep going šš

Iām not gonna lie but 9/10
You have put a lot of work into this piece and all of your 322 anims
You did a very good job I love your masterpiece

yess ur improving well idk how much but i love how u ask if ur improving but ummm i'll give u a 9/10
u can practice but dont post n ummm yea ig ur gonna get better n better idk lol thats how i got better n u can just post what ur glad with

Definition : "Sarcasm is an ironic or satirical remark tempered by humor. Mainly, people use it to say the opposite of what's true to make someone look or feel foolish. For example, let's say you see someone struggling to open a door and you ask them, "Do you want help?" If they reply by saying, "No thanks."