what was that
Protagonist 2
Step by Step Origami Crane 2.0
offsite map part :)
Golden Eagle
Try to make me scared .-.
25.04.2021 02:23
Linki have 666 likes :)
25.04.2021 02:26
LinkWTHHH 100000
im making a horror series of someone stuck in a nightmare where random objects get thrown at them. when he tries to sleep in his nightmare he gets flashbacks of his mother's fate. he starts to go insane. at the end he obtains a pencil , draws a gun , and he shoots himself in the head.
i made my closet a torture room. i grabbed stuffed animals and i hit them with objects. i had this wierd thing that looked like a mase. i shoved the thing on a dog plush i had and tied it to a line to hang it. i had 2 stuffed animals hanging from their hands on a line. one of them had a wing torn off and spewing out beads. i have a box filled with a giant life size bull shark plush. the foam inside it is all torn up and soft now from how many times ive hit it. i have a green bear i would slam against the wall until the eye got scratches on it. i also had a monkey plush i would always target. i would slam it against the wall , hit it with wood , slam it to the floor , and i would choke it. i would go there every day with a wooden object and beat the shit out of the plushies. i then stopped because i popped a plushies' eye out.