Waking Fox

This is where SW come from kid

Don’t Stop! uwu



“Ghost Dog spotted”

Monthly Anim:Glomgold Pastries
it's ok.


16.06.2020 22:38
Linki know.
believe me, i know.
it's gotta hurt and i should never have assumed you'd fully healed when..i haven't either.
but you were never wrong. i want you to know that.
you don't owe anyone anything, and you deserved to be treated like royalty. you are so incredibly perfect and amazing and i want to smash people's fingers in a meat grinder when they mistreat you.
and you definantly don't owe them your time or your tears.
but i know you need that time to recover.
i want you to know im here, ok? i'm here to listen, be your punching bag, whatever you need.
i love you unconditionally, always and forever.
you helped me and loved me when i needed it most.
you're worth so much more than you think honey.
i love you.