Weird dream my bro told me
14.11.2017 12:02
LinkAlright soooo my little brother had a dream and he kept consitantly having that dream so one morning he told me his dream he said and this is what he specifically told me " I keep having a dream of someone I keep seeing over and over and then they disappear then when I ask where they went and who was in that room they say there is no such room and there is no such person there" so I asked my brother where was he talking about. He answered and said "the nursing home" I was surprised he knew what the place was so I told him to describe the place and he had told me with exact detail what it looked like my brother is atleast six and he had never ever gone to a nursing home.
14.11.2017 12:03
14.11.2017 12:03
Linkmy five y.o sis said she had a dream that a cow had licked her ear