History about orca Sally


22.09.2020 09:34
LinkThe next text will be in Russian. Please use a translator

22.09.2020 09:47
LinkСалли была обычной малышкой. У неё были родители и друзья😁❤. Но однажды к ним в бухту приплыли охотники на касаток(orca). Они окружили Салли сетью😥! А её родителей и друзей пристрелили на глазах малышки😭. Её погрузили в тёмный, тесный ящик с водой и увезли... Салли мучалась голодом, а глаза начали плохо видеть из за хлора😭🥺. На следующий день перепуганную малышку привезли в дельфинарий SeaWorld. И начались настоящие муки. Салли не кормили и заставляли выполнять трюки🚫🥩. А потом начался полный ад. На выступлении косаток шумела ужасная, громкая музыка. Крики восхищения толпы зевак. Как Салли хотела назад к родителям❤🚫🥺.... За правильно выполненный трюк косатке дали кусок тухлой рыбы😢🤢. После представления Салли загнали в тесный бассейн с ещё 3 взрослыми косатками. Косатки жалобно пытались перегрысть прутья своей клетки и уплыть в море, но всё было напрасно..

22.09.2020 09:52
Когда началось новое выступление Салли из за хлора в воде не смогла выполнить прыжок так как не видела куда прыгать. И весь этот день она голодала🚫😢🥩... Вдруг пришёл тренер с какой-то палкрй и начал избивать бедное существо😱😢. Косатка начала звать родителей, но всё было тщетно...

22.09.2020 09:58
LinkПрошло несколько лет мучений Салли и люди перестали ходить в дельфинарий. Они поняли что там происходит и косатку Салли с остальными косатками (под давлением общества) отпустили в море🥳❤! И по сей день косатка Салли плавает по морским просторам со своей новой семьёй 🏝🏞🏖.

22.09.2020 10:01
LinkПожалуйста, не ходите в дельфинарии! Если вы не будете спонсировать хлорированные тюрьмы для китообразных то они смогут жить хорошо! Мы почти справились! Отлов косаток разрешён только в России. Но если вы не будете ходить туда то дельфинарии в вашей стране не будут покупать косаток и их перестанут ловить!!!!

24.12.2020 17:23
LinkSally was just an ordinary baby. She had parents and friends😁❤. But one day, orca hunters sailed to them in the bay. They surrounded Sally with a net😥! And her parents and friends were shot in front of the baby. She was immersed in a dark, cramped box with water and taken away ... Sally was suffering from hunger, and her eyes began to see poorly due to chlorine. The next day, the frightened baby was brought to the SeaWorld Dolphinarium. And the real torment began. Sally was not fed and forced to perform tricks. And then all hell began. At the performance of killer whales, terrible, loud music was making noise. Shouts of admiration from the crowd of onlookers. How Sally wanted to go back to her parents❤🚫🥺 .... For a correct trick, the killer whale was given a piece of rotten fish😢🤢. After the show, Sally was herded into a cramped pool with 3 more adult killer whales. The killer whales plaintively tried to dig through the bars of their cage and swim into the sea, but it was all in vain ..

24.03.2021 19:20
LinkWhen the new performance began, Sally, due to chlorine in the water, could not complete the jump because she could not see where to jump. And all this day she was starving🚫😢🥩 ... Suddenly a trainer came with some kind of stick and began to beat the poor creature😱😢. The killer whale began to call her parents, but it was all in vain ...

Girl: Do u even want to be with me forever?
Boy: No
Girl: Do u even like me?
Boy: No
Girl: Would u cry if i walked away?
Boy: No
She heard enough and was hurt... She walked away with tears in her eyes
The boy grabbed her arm
Boy: Your not pretty...your beautiful
Boy: I dont want to be with u forever...I need to be with u forever
Boy: I dont like u...I love u
Boy: I wouldn't cry if u walked away......I would die if u walked away.
Boy Whispers: Plz stay with me
Girl: I will...
*Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they loves u
*Something good will happen to u at 1-4pm
*Tomorrow it could be anywhere!!!
*Get ready for the shock of your life!
*If u dont post this to 5 other comments... You will have baD luck in relationships for the next 10 years
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Sally was just an ordinary baby. She had parents and friends😁❤. But one day, orca hunters sailed to them in the bay. They surrounded Sally with a net😥! And her parents and friends were shot in front of the baby. She was immersed in a dark, cramped box with water and taken away ... Sally was suffering from hunger, and her eyes began to see poorly due to chlorine. The next day, the frightened baby was brought to the SeaWorld Dolphinarium. And the real torment began. Sally was not fed and forced to perform tricks. And then all hell began. At the performance of killer whales, terrible, loud music was noisy. Shouts of admiration from the crowd of onlookers. How Sally wanted to go back to her parents❤🚫🥺 .... For a correct trick, the killer whale was given a piece of rotten fish😢🤢. After the show, Sally was herded into a cramped pool with 3 more adult killer whales. The killer whales plaintively tried to dig through the bars of their cage and swim into the sea, but it was all in vain ..

When the new performance began, Sally, due to chlorine in the water, could not complete the jump because she could not see where to jump. And all this day she was starving🚫😢🥩 ... Suddenly a trainer came with some kind of stick and began to beat the poor creature😱😢. The killer whale started calling for her parents, but it was all in vain. Several years of Sally's torment passed and people stopped going to the dolphinarium. They realized what was happening there and the killer whale Sally and the rest of the killer whales (under pressure from society) were released into the sea🥳❤! To this day, the killer whale Sally swims across the sea with her new family 🏝🏞🏖.

Please do not go to the dolphinarium! If you don’t sponsor chlorinated cetacean prisons, they can live well! We almost did it! Catching killer whales is allowed only in Russia. But if you don’t go there, then the dolphinariums in your country will not buy killer whales and they will no longer be caught !!!!