Qonquest guest. backroun test.
19.07.2020 13:27
Linki'm just doing some backround test of the story of noel.
qonquest guest is a series of a boy who is me, or the character in front of you. noel is just an avrage autistic 3 year old. until he is abtucted by a mysterius space ship, and was forced to do an invasion.
8 years later he was forced to destroy planet earth but
he refused. then they said that he was no longer their srvent. so he was brought down to earth by using a mini ship.
and he was still in his grey and red x uniform. so he went to find his own. then he found
the red shirt and blue trousers, and grey shoes. and that's how he got the uniform.
19.07.2020 17:03
LinkC L I C H E
ok no
19.07.2020 19:33
Linkoh hello!