Try to make me blush- >:3
09.03.2018 01:51
LinkUuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............. *doesn't know what to say*
"Nice weather we're having
09.03.2018 01:52
LinkYeah, Kindaaa-
@Artist Animates
You are a amazing person, you do a good job on shading, and you are a good person. So do the seventy seven other people following you. One hundred fifty six eyes are laid on you. Because we trust you to be awesome (we dont need to think it- you are already!) and you are following up to be as amazing as all the other animators. You have one thousand one hundred and fifty one likes? And no features? How! You have amazing pieces of art, and you deserve fifty likes on each and ever animation you have done! You need features, you NEED MORE LOVE!