Losing my mind (W.I.P)
koi dance(atr)
I dunno
Sneak PEak
Chibi America- Hetalia
Wings Of Fire~ Moon Rising
I don't like Summer Breaks...
06.02.2019 09:46
Linkeccks dee
Okay I know what you're thinking.. Who the heck does not like Summer Breaks..?! I am giving my opinion.. Summer is time where we all relax and suffer in the heat and the AC brakes on you.. and not having to do work.. Yes I know but I have a pet chinchilla and I am keeping an eye on him so he won't die.. I know.. why not just put him in a cold room.. we don't have cold rooms.. we have to get a lot fans to keep him cool and ain't putting him in the Freezer not the Refrigerator because he is gonna poop everywhere and probably pee.. he needs a special type of bottle that holds water [ What rodents use ] so he won't dump himself in the water and die..
And having to deal with bugs and heat.. I constantly hate bugs and wake up sweating and being sick.. and it is hard to sleep because my neighbor is loud and plays basketball.. and talking loud.. help.. and on the Weekdays.. what am I gonna do with my life..? Um.. Clean.. Eat.. Sleep.. Play video games.. watch Youtube.. and sleep.. I know it seems a lot but it really isn't.. my hands will start sweating and me closely dying.. I hate the heat.. and can't be on Flipanim since I don't have a personal device.. yes.. I use school chrome and it is trash..
I am those productive people.. who wants to work and keep things a little different to day to day.. yes.. I am not lazy... and probably prepare myself for 8th grade so I can be ahead.. and reading.. Okay.. I know.. do you have older siblings to take you out or something.. no I am the eldest.. yes and sooner in life they will rely on me to drive and take them out.. ain't being the eldest great.. no.. and my mother and father working constantly and comeback around 6 or 5... and me slowly drifting away to the heat and sweating and dying...
I am scared.. Summer is coming and I am not prepared.. but wait.. why not visit your friends.. I am not if I am consider a friend to people if I am a jerk or a bipolar faker... but if I was consider one I really don't want to.. I can't stand on the parents.. well not my parents but theirs.. looking at me.. probably want me dead in a gruesome way.. and this is teenage age.. not like I am emo.. I am just territorial and probably kids will be emo.. or drama like.. majorly females.. males be pretty normal but trash talking to each other and go ultra desperate and competing males with having a girlfriend.. and females bragging about them and having a better boyfriend.. it seems high school kids would do that but it is already happening because most of the kids at my school are idiots..