Ohmygod Vampire Babies~


07.07.2022 01:42
LinkI hate how I've never properly colored these two before.
Like- this is my first time EVER coloring Estrius! AND HE'S BABY.
I started thinking about how I'm gonna introduce these two into the story, so I decided while I'm at it... I might as well draw them as well.
Estrius is basically a copied version of Shero, instead with purple eyes and a pony tail cause I said so. Moxirina luckily isn't a copy of anyone. I like her a lot though. :3
Uh- I probably won't get into their backstory or story at all, because for what I know... ABSOLUTELY NOBODY CARES ABOUT THIS CHARACTERS! :D
And I'm cool with that! I SHOULD be working on the New Moon Reborn episode- but the sketches are taking long, and I know the lineart and coloring will take EVEN LONGER, so I'm gonna take extended breaks on that from time to time.
Well anyways... Hope you guys like these two babies! MIGHT change Estrius's colors a bit, probably his skin color... But I like his hair a lot. With that being said, enjoy this drawing~

07.07.2022 01:42
Link(Also sorry for deleting comments!)