- create flipbook animations online!
03.06.2020 18:30
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This is just gonna be a vent/rant so please listen but i guess you dnt have to if you want. This will just explain where my face reveal is. Pressure and problems. For as long as i can remember ive struggled with self esteem issues, ive always be insecure about how i look. It started from bullying and that bullying started when i was onlyin pre school. Kids called me names and always commented on how i looked but they always commented about one thing. My unibrow. A unibrow isnt something you should be so insecure about that you feel the need to hide your face and not look people staright in the eye but thats how it is with me. As time i grew older and the bullying only got worse. More and more kids began making fun of me and calling me names and in third grade i just couldnt stand it anymore. A boy called me that name, "Unibrow" and i just lost it and i punched him in the nose. I didnt feel any regret and i basically had to be pulled away from this kid, i was pissed. The rest of elementary nobody called m
03.06.2020 18:31
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me that name because of what i did but when middle school rolled around, everything changed. Middle school wasnt as easy, i was able to just beat the shit out of a kid, traumatic events happened the summer after fourth grade (I wont go into what happened) but it completely changed me. It was a nervous wreck, super edgy and just- i didnt want to hurt anybody. I got taunted everyday is middle school during every class. Most of it was just words but every once in awhile it got physical and i just let it happen, i accepted that people were hurting me and i just allowed them. The nicknames and taunts began to pile up as my self esteem only decreased and here we are now. Im a nervous wreck who hates looking in the mirror. Ive spent hours a day just staring at the mirror and just questioning if that was really me. I started to wax and pluck my unibrow every chance i got. I remember the first time i did it i was so happy and i thought everything would change but it didnt. Nobody called me unibrow but everyone
03.06.2020 18:31
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taunted me on how insecure i was about my face. I know i dont have it the worst, i know there are people out there who have self esteem worse than mine but this feeling is such an awful feeling that nobody should experience. It brings so much pain and just makes you more and more depressed with everyday. There are ways to cope with this feelings that i still have yet to learn but the best i know now is just to accept that this is how i look and it wont change. The bullying may never stop but i cant let it get to me, and i cant be pushed around by others. A reason i faked my idenity on this site for the longest time is because i hated the person i was and i wanted to be someone completely different. I wanted to start over but ive learned my lesson from that, over time as my follower amount increased i grew worried. Hell even in Discord voice chats where i had my mic muted i would always panic that it wasnt because i was so terrified of people finding out the truth. So here we are at the end and you're
03.06.2020 18:31
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probably asking, "So what about that face reveal?" I dont want to make any promises but i cant tell you that it will come one day. I dont know when i dont want to say a specific date but it will happen. Thank you for listening and i hope you all understand.
03.06.2020 18:39
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I don’t want anyone to feel guilty, if your someone who asked for a face reveal I want you to know that I forgive you and I just need some more time.
03.06.2020 18:35
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It's ok if you don't whant to show your face we will still love you no matter how you look
03.06.2020 18:38
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You don't ever need to feel pressured into anything. Sure, a lot of people want you to do a face reveal. But if that makes you uncomfortable, then don't. I know people may continue to hurt you, emotionally, or physically. But we will all be here for you. No matter what. <3 I don't know if this helps, but I hope it doesπŸ’œβœ¨πŸ’œπŸ’œ
03.06.2020 18:41
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It's not like I'm going to do a face reveal any time soon,,, it makes me super uncomfortable just thinking about it.
03.06.2020 19:09
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Awe sweetie... You take your time. When you're ready to show your face, that's when we will be too. You're beautiful and one of the most amazing people I've ever met. You don't need to do anything that people want you to do, unless you want to do it too. You're amazing Ella, and I'm so glad to have you as my friend I love you girl πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
03.06.2020 21:23
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:( I'm sad that happened to you. Bullying sucks.
04.06.2020 02:56
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I know I'm late but I don't care You don't need to change I can tell by your amazing personality that you are beautiful and never stop loving yourself. I know bullying can be hard from time to time but sometimes the best way to deal with it is to shut them out and just ignore what they thing and yoh you. No matter what you look like, you will always be beautiful. Ilynh <333333333333333
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