The world is going to shit.
04.06.2020 06:59
I can't wait for that moment where I will sit down, look at the things we have done, and think. I think. I truly open my mind. I wonder. Could we have changed this? Could one small choice change this whole outcome? Instead of picking up that pencil, you could've let it be. Instead of asking your crush out, you never told them your feelings. I really do wonder. I will look at the landscape one more time, and finally, for once, be in a true state of peace. It's over. We can rebuild, a whole new way of civilization, or let it be, and let humanity be a thing of the past. It's a choice. A free choice. There is no power anymore. There is no government. We work together. We help each other instead of overpower each other. We make the world a better place. A new world. More grass, more nature, mankind as we know it may be a whole new meaning, a whole new thing. Then again, it's all just one tiny speck in the universe of universes. What seems big to us is simply a particle to the real outside. Space.